Safe Outdoor Activities During COVID Times

Ever since the pandemic hit, we’ve had to make a huge shift in the way we live our lives, which makes safe outdoor activities during Covid times, more important than ever.

Depending on where you’re located, you might still be under a stay-at-home order with the coronavirus pandemic still around. But even for those in locations that allow for more movement, you might not necessarily feel comfortable going to a crowded indoor space.

Staying at home isn’t exactly helping anyone’s health though. Experts have said that staying locked down for too long can cause damage to health, both mental and physical. 

However, keeping safe doesn’t mean staying locked away until everyone is vaccinated and there’s no trace of the virus. You’ve got to look after your own mental and physical well-being. That’s why these 11 safe outdoor activities are ideal choices during COVID times. These will help you get out there and have fun, even with friends and family, in a safe way so you’ll have more memories of this time than merely staring longingly out your windows.

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safe outdoor activities during covid - urban hiking

1. Take a nature walk

Even if your local park is closed due to COVID, you can always slap shoes on your feet and take a walk outside. It helps to get out of the house, plus you might discover things you didn’t realize were surrounding your home. Perhaps a lake, a cluster of trees, or even a field are all within easy walking distance. Get out there and explore to reduce your stress. If you want a very simple way to practice safe outdoor activities during Covid times, just start walking!

2. Use your yard

It’s your own slice of heaven, so why not have fun in it? If you have a yard, take the kids out there and make an obstacle course to get them involved in safe outdoor activities as well. A simple game of catch, chase, or dodgeball can be fun too!

3. Have a campout

If campgrounds are open near you, it’s a great way to have a safe and socially-distant experience with outdoor activities during the coronavirus pandemic. You can rent an RV to stay in your own bubble or simply pack up the tents and go. But if camping facilities and parks aren’t open in your area, take it to the backyard and turn it into your camping haven.

4. Go on a microadventure

It’s never a good idea to stay so cooped up like this. If you’re itching to travel but want to play it safe, try going on a microadventure with your pod. It’s an outdoor adventure that starts from the moment you step out the door and takes you through your immediate area. You’ll need to plan it a bit first, but it’s one of the best outdoor activities you can engage in during the coronavirus pandemic. 

5. Take a photographic journey

For those that are more artistic, you can still have safe outdoor activities to enjoy. Grab your camera or smartphone and take a journey through your local area. Walk around and take photos of anything unique and interesting. Sometimes when we look at things through a different lens, what we capture with the camera lens can pleasantly surprise us.

safe outdoor activities during covid like gardening

6. Get into gardening

Want to turn your brown thumb green? Make your own garden. If you have a yard, you can expand as you go. But even with little space, your kitchen windowsill is a great place to start growing herbs. With kids, you can teach them something new and all feel proud when what you plant grows into something you can make for dinner. 

7. Remember how to play outdoors

Long before technology took over, everyone went outdoors to play. That’s still safe now as long as proper social distancing is upheld. The fresh air and sunshine will do you all some good. Whether you have kids to play with or not, go embrace your inner child and enjoy the beautiful simplicity of being outdoors.

8. Go on a bike ride

Bikes are another one of those outdoor activities that were built for social distancing. If you can’t take another moment indoors (and who could blame you?!?), grab your bike and helmet and go for a ride. Choose a trail, your neighborhood, downtown, or wherever you can feasibly go and liberate yourself with a ride. You don't need to go too far or get too adventurous: why not pick up some groceries by bike instead of driving?

9. Try hiking

Hiking trails, if you have them nearby and they’re open, make for a great way to take in nature and get a more strenuous workout. Just make sure to pack the essentials and follow a route. You can also be safe and go with others as long as you keep your distance. It could be the best way to spend time with your best friend during the coronavirus pandemic without putting yourselves in harm’s way.

10. Make a splash

Do you live somewhere warmer or have a heated pool? Swimming is one of the best escapes from the coronavirus pandemic. Jumping in the water is a refreshing experience, plus you can do laps to get in cardio. If you really need to forget this whole mess for a spell, there’s nothing better than taking time out for a swim. 

11. Run like the wind

For those that prefer to keep their landlubber legs, there’s nothing like a run for safe outdoor activities during the coronavirus pandemic. Lace up your sneakers and pound the ground. Put on some good music while you do it too. 

Better yet, who says you can’t turn your outdoor area into something akin to what Rocky does in Rocky IV? Make your own outdoor training area and challenge yourself to something more exciting in the name of good health!

A Final Word About Safe Outdoor Activities During the Coronavirus Pandemic

With these outdoor activities, do what you can that is permitted in your area. Even in areas with stricter measures, you can and should still get out there. You’ll feel much better inside and out when you do!

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